I know I’ve been MIA for too long, but I didn’t feel like blogging, since I was so caught up with work lately .. so much for that. Having said that, I’ll start my top 11 news (it's 9/11 btw) from the past weeks with this ..
1. I broke my overtime hours record .. I have 100+ now. Not that I’m proud of it – I have no idea how I can compensate that, since I still have my full 30 vacation days ..
not getting less .. |
2. I am officially car-less now, but not before scoring another speeding ticket in the last weekend where I had the car.
In Germany, they send you a charming picture to accompany the ticket .. |
3. My mom and sis came two weeks ago to pick up the car and we spent a little time in Hamburg ..
Their visit involved mainly eating .. |
4. And we made earrings together .. which took us almost 2 frickin hours .. so I had to post it .. (all hand-made, of course):
Aren't they pretty? |
5. After getting the newest Ikea catalogue in the mail, I went there immediately to check out the newest things .. unfortunately still no couch of my desire .. maybe I need to settle for something else?
Just bought a set of tools and new homes for my shoes :) |
6. I had another "first" last week – I checked out the Hamburg beach, which is obviously not at the coast, but at the river that goes through Hamburg. It was definitely different from the usual beach, but also quite special, since you see huge containers and tourist boats coming by every now and then.
7. My youngest uncle and his wife just welcomed their first son in Hong Kong 3 weeks ago and it’s actually his birthday today, so happy birthday, uncle Tom!
On another note, one of my colleagues also got a baby and I was in charge of buying a present, so I got him this:
A diaper cake! And a personalized pacifier chain. |
8. My grandma facetimed me yesterday for the first time by her own and I was so surprised and so proud of her almost 80 years for being so modern and fit!
9. Summer is officially over after seeing people wearing gloves (!!) this week and already seeing Christmas stuff in the shops .. So ridiculous!
German "stollen" and gingerbread etc. |
10. Biggest news of all: I just booked my tickets to Hong Kong TODAY for a steal! :D
However, the flight won't be until November, but the planning can begin now for sure! :)
Thanks to my overly caring mom! |
11. As a matter of fact, I just got the wedding invitation of my one-and-only literal room mate in Hong Kong. I realized, the other day, that I had more than different 10 room-(well actually flat-)mates in my life, but Shirley is the only one, I shared the room with during my studies in Hong Kong.
Shirley and I, 2008 |
She is getting married in November and I am thrilled for her and so happy I can be there on her big day.
Such a fancy invitation (on my new place-mats) |
That's it for now. Hope I can keep up better next time! Keep warm .. ;-)